Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Prayer to Most Holy Mary, Shepherdess of the Little Flock
Prayer given to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on January 23, 2024

O Holy Shepherdess of God's souls, hear us.
Benign Mother, let Thy Grace shine upon us, Thy devotees, servants and repairers, consoling souls.
O Glorious Shepherdess, Invincible Guide of the Little Remnant, make us love as You and Your Son Jesus love.
Make us forgive in His Name to fly high above the darkness of our mistakes and sins.
You know that we are fragile and tempted, lonely and exasperated. Soothe with Your Motherly Love our sorrow, and wash with Your Blessing our iniquity.
Make us wise in God Love. Lead us to the Immaculate Triumph. Recover with Your Son the lost sheep and bring it back to the Holy fold.
Have mercy on Us, on our frailties, falls, losses, our little faith and our little commitment to follow and obey You.
Mother Shepherdess Ours, lead Thy flock to Jesus Good Master Merciful and Holy, Our Bridegroom.
Guide, protect, bless, preserve, defend the True Church of God from the infernal assaults of Lucifer, who animates the false church and wants to lose our souls.
Soothe and heal all our wounds for love of Jesus Your Divine Son Crucified, crowned with thorns, scourged at the pillar, pierced with nails, humiliated and killed for us sinners.
Hear us, Mother Divine, and cover us with Thy Mantle of stars. Amen.